Thursday, March 29, 2007

Things that I like about Emerging movement

When I critique something I try to be as objective as possible before I make a conclusion. All to often people will look at something find something bad or good about it and put a label on it as such. As I am studying the emergent/emerging(whatever it is) movement I have to say I love their concept of caring for people. I like that they want to invest in peoples lives to help them where they are in life. All to often in traditional Christianity we want to get to the point and convert people before they go to Hell. This creates an attitude in people that does not desire to be around Christians. If we invest in people and show them God in us on a real level and plants seeds of forgiveness, love, joy, long suffering, etc then maybe people will desire to want what we have. In reading Brian Mclaren's book, The secret Message of Jesus he talks about a Washington taxi cab driver who invested in the lives of some people in Africa, the end result is their community was changed and when a community Bible study was erected people flocked to go to it. They saw God in real life in this person, he didn't go there give them a bunch of Bibles and expected them to changed. He planted seeds of goodness and God worked on them through those seeds. My next post will be about some of the things that I am cautious of in the Emergent movement, in fact it might be broken up in a few posts. HA HA

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