Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Are the lines being drawn?

Here is a video, and there are 4 of them on YouTube from a Church, ironically called Community Christian Church

From the series of video, I gather this, scripture is unimportant, and anyone who holds that view is strange. Also, being a christian is not the right way because we have a "different" standard and we are weird, let's be "Christ-followers". Folks, be careful here, the ignorant "Christ follower" could be following the wrong one. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, New Agers, The Islam faith, Buddhists, Catholicism and Hindu's all admire and follow Christ in one sense or another. It's the Christ in the Bible the one that traditional "weirdo" Christianity holds that is going to save us from our sins. Oh, I am sorry I shouldn't say that, someone might be offended, right?
Christian or Christ follower out there, take time to learn this stuff. Understand other faiths so that you can recognize it's deception when it enters the church. Know what Contemplative Prayer is, know that there is no such thing as "Christian Yoga", understand what is truly meant by vision casting and how it is tied to traditions of the occult for centuries. Deception is in the church, stay in God's Word and put on the whole armor of God.

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