I just finished with this book from Brian McLaren and I have to say it is a very intriguing book. On one hand, I think he has so much good to say about reaching out to our neighbors. I think all to often we as Christians are trying to "make the sale" and prevent our neighbors from going to Hell without getting into their personal lives. Brian endorses a real life evangelism that reaches people in their own problems and issues. I like that side of his message, we need to stop selling and then letting God handle the details. There is another side to this book that, to me, seems so New Age. Brian is clearly an inclusive, he feels that ALL are welcomed, whether, New Age, Hindu, Buddhist or Islam, we are all welcome, and we can opt out and reject God. In fact, it seems that according to Brian, those who hold the orthodox exclusive viewpoint are the ones that need to repent and maybe they will be welcome back in the "Kingdom of God". I am appalled that this person and his message can be listed as an evangelical because his message is very different than what Christians view as orthodox. Of course, according to Brian, the message has been altered throughout history, how is that any different than what New Agers have say? We as Christians, have rejected these guys for years, now that we have a guy that calls himself an Evangelical with the same message then it is acceptable?
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