Today marks the 6th anniversary of the most tragic day in United States history. A day that shifted the opinions and views of everyone in this free country. Since that day we have been fighting the "war on terror", a war that some have said could last 100 years. In essence, we can never win. Until recently, I bought into the right wing line of thinking. Support this war or you are not patriotic, or even more diabolical from the "Christian Right", support this president or you are not with God. I am beginning to understand what I think the true meaning is of separation of church and state. I have witnessed how easy it is to dupe a large group of people all in the name of God and Godly values. As I have awoken out of my slumber I have been able to see through this fog of control and manipulation that many in the Christian community have used to form and mold our opinions on issue we know nothing about. I have learned that I can be a christian and not agree with the Bush administration and all the right wing propaganda that is thrown at us. In fact, I will go so far as to say that I have been able to become a better Christian as I have learned how important it is to be a follower of Christ. You know, the one that said
"Mat 22:37 And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Mat 22:38 This is the great and first commandment. Mat 22:39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Do you think he was talking the folks that live next to you or maybe was he talking about all of our neighbors in this world that we have to share? The same guy that said "Mat 5:44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,". Remember him?
I am afraid that too many Christians have simplified Christian living to simply saying a pray and letting others handle the details. We have a "christian" president, so let him preemtively strike a nation that has done no harm to us. God must be with him, right? Too many Christians ignore the love that Jesus requires us to share with all people no matter what religion they are a part of. Does that mean all religions go to heaven? My faith tells me no and I will espouse to that, however, even if a person is going to hell it doesn't mean we need to make this life on earth hell before they get there.
I am begging any Christian out there to be smart with the sources of information that you are getting. I have learned that just because a source seems to be defending you and your values doesn't not mean they, 1. are out for your best interests or 2. are telling you the truth. I am finding this in most media that will not be critical of Bush and his administration. Most of these shows have an agenda and it is to support the right wing through all its lies and scandals, and there are many.
We are to judge the fruit of our Christian leaders, this presidents fruit speaks for itself. The sad part is that so many in the Christian Right are so dependent politically on the Right Wing to succeed that they seem to have lost their way and sold out. This is the reason why we has Christians need to understand politics and influence them without politics influencing us. Ultimately, the powers of evil are bound to creep in.
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