Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We have a new Prez

After 8 long years, in 2 months Bush will be out of office. As a tribute to the soon to be ex-president I found these videos for your enjoyment.

Speech at the White House Correspondent's Dinner (2006)
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

1 comment:

Nancy said...

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Gladness of heart brings joy, restoration, and health to our bones…that is when we can laugh at ourselves and with others. Now I’m not saying those post weren’t funny, I truly enjoyed most of them. I think when we know who we are…in Christ…we can truly get a chuckle or two out of all sides of the political circus. But, as you have stated, as Christians our hearts are not of this world and the fleeting worldly matters. I recently saw a short video by John Piper that said it pretty well, the link is below…And, no, I am not recommending Piper as a steady diet.

Just thought, if you went to all the trouble to have a blog…you needed a commenter…*; )